Here we are again; It's award season!
Jessie Copper :: Tuesday 22nd January 2019 :: Latest Blog Posts
I mentioned consistency this time last year, and it seems that I am maintaining that to perfection. Along with 8 top florists from across the South West, I have made it through yet again to the Regional TWIA finals this year, and can officially count myself as a shortlister.
I am a little tardy in writing this blog, and by now the Regional and National finals have taken place, so a huge well done has to go out to those who made it right to the lofty heights of the Nationals in London, not only in the Wedding Florist category, but also in other supplier categories across the board.
I see so many other talented members of this exciting industry as I go from wedding to wedding throughout the year, and I know not only how hard everyone works (particularly in the middle of the summer when we're all juggling a lot of plates!), but also how important every client is to us all, and therefore how much it means to everyone of us to receive recognition of any kind.
This year could be seen to be an even bigger challenge as South Wales was added to the 'South West' region, meaning that little old us down here in Dorset were thrown into an even bigger pool and still came out floating at the top.
As a big thank you to my brides who helped me get there, I'm going to crack on now with a 'Best Bits' blog now, to celebrate all that was great about 2018... you can read it here! We are already looking forward very much to 2019....